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Are you the type to hesitate at making decisions? Especially if they are big decisions, like choosing a job? Below is a minimum viable product I created to help make career decisions.

Basically, you choose three criteria you must have in a perfect job, and then you rank those criteria from 1 to 10. For example, take a look at the app below: Joe is considering working as an actor. His three criteria are money, job stability, and passion. He is just starting out in his acting career and makes enough money to scrape by, so he gives “Money” a value of 3. “Job Stability” is somewhat weak, so he gives it a 5. Lastly, he gives “Passion” a 10.

His area is 41. That is his score. Currently, he works as a programmer. “Money” is 7, “Job Stability” is 10, but “Passion” is 3 (he doesn’t like his job that much). What is his score as a programmer? Use the sliders to look at the answer. Based on the numbers, should he change jobs?

Feel free to use this for your own decisions! You can edit the criteria as well! View in window below or visit this page.

Note: This app weights each criteria equally. Later, I will add an option to weight variables.