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Filters, Joins, Aggregations, and All That: A Guide to Querying in SQL

This is the fourth post in a series of posts about doing data science with SQL. The previous post went over the commands required to set up the example recipes database from the first post in this series.

In this post, I will use the example recipes database from the first post to go over the basics of querying in SQL with the SELECT statement. I will start with the basic operators of filtering, joining, and aggregating. Then I will show how these simple commands can be combined to create powerful queries. By the end of this post, you should be able to write advanced SQL queries.


We can use the SELECT statement in SQL to query data from a database. For example, we might be interested in finding all of the ingredients in the “Tomato Soup” recipe (from the recipes database described in the first post in this series).

This query is non-trivial because this information is spread across three tables. As a first, step we could query for the recipe ID of this recipe with:

SELECT recipe_id 
  FROM recipes
 WHERE recipe_name="Tomato Soup"

This says to take the recipes table and take the recipe_id column for all rows where the recipe_name column has a particular value. This query returns the table


Given this recipe ID, we can get the ingredient IDs for the recipe using a similar query on the recipe-ingredients-mapping table:

SELECT ingredient_id
  FROM recipe_ingredients
 WHERE recipe_id = 2

This returns


Finally, we can find the ingredient names knowing their IDs:

SELECT ingredient_name
  FROM ingredients
 WHERE ingredient_id=3
    OR ingredient_id=6

This returns:


The JOIN Operator in SQL

Because our data is spread across three tables, it is cumbersome and error-prone to have to run multiple queries to find the information we want. We can avoid this by joining the tables together.

When we join two tables on a column in SQL, it will create every possible combination of rows in the output table where the condition holds For example, if we joined recipes with recipe_ingredients on the recipe ID:

  FROM recipes
  JOIN recipe_ingredients
    ON recipes.recipe_id = recipe_ingredients.recipe_id

We get the table:

recipe_id recipe_name recipe_id ingredient_id amount
3 Grilled Cheese 3 5 1
3 Grilled Cheese 3 7 2
1 Tacos 1 1 1
1 Tacos 1 2 2
1 Tacos 1 3 2
1 Tacos 1 4 3
1 Tacos 1 5 1
2 Tomato Soup 2 3 2
2 Tomato Soup 2 6 1

This joined table includes the recipe names along with the recipe IDs for each recipe-ingredient pair.

Getting back to our example from above, we can compute the ingredient IDs for ‘Tomato Soup’ by joining recipes with recipe_ingredients on the recipe ID.

SELECT recipe_ingredients.ingredient_id
  FROM recipes
  JOIN recipe_ingredients
    ON recipes.recipe_id = recipe_ingredients.recipe_id
 WHERE recipes.recipe_name = 'Tomato Soup'

This returns:


In the next section, we will show how we can also join with the ingredients table to directly get the ingredient names.

Having to use the full table names repeatedly in a SQL query is cumbersome. SQL provides a convenient shorthand where we can give each table a nickname:

SELECT b.ingredient_id
  FROM recipes AS a
  JOIN recipe_ingredients AS b
    ON a.recipe_id = b.recipe_id
 WHERE a.recipe_name = 'Tomato Soup'

This is the same query as before, but slightly less verbose.

JOINing Multiple Tables in SQL

SQL allows us to join multiple tables for even more powerful queries. Getting back to our original example, we can directly find the ingredient names for the ingredients in ‘Tomato Soup’ by joining all three tables together:

SELECT c.ingredient_name 
  FROM recipes AS a
  JOIN recipe_ingredients AS b
    ON a.recipe_id = b.recipe_id
  JOIN ingredients AS c
    ON b.ingredient_id = c.ingredient_id
 WHERE a.recipe_name = "Tomato Soup"

As expected, this returns the table:


What is great about SQL is that by joining tables together, we can ask very diverse questions about our data. For example, finding all the recipes that include ‘tomatoes’ is just as straightforward:

SELECT a.recipe_name
  FROM recipes AS a
  JOIN recipe_ingredients AS b
    ON a.recipe_id = b.recipe_id
  JOIN ingredients AS c
    ON b.ingredient_id = c.ingredient_id
 WHERE c.ingredient_name = "tomatoes"

This returns:

Tomato Soup

The GROUP BY Operator In SQL

The next important concept in SQL is aggregating rows. This is done with the GROUP BY command.

Supposed for example that we wanted to find the number of ingredients in each recipe. We could do this by grouping the rows in the recipe_ingredients table by the recipe ID and counting the number or grouped rows:

  SELECT recipe_id, 
         COUNT(ingredient_id) AS num_ingredients
    FROM recipe_ingredients
GROUP BY recipe_id
ORDER BY num_ingredients DESC

The code returns:

recipe_id num_ingredients
1 5
2 2
3 2

We can combine the GROUP BY and JOIN operators in a single query. To compute in addition the price of each recipe, we would need to figure out the price of each ingredient by joining with the ingredients table. This query would look like:

  SELECT recipe_id, 
         COUNT(a.ingredient_id) AS num_ingredients, 
         SUM(a.amount*b.ingredient_price) AS total_price
    FROM recipe_ingredients as a
    JOIN ingredients as b
      ON a.ingredient_id = b.ingredient_id
GROUP BY a.recipe_id

This returns

recipe_id num_ingredients total_price
1 5 20
2 2 5
3 2 7

Similarly, if we want to make the table display recipe names, we could also JOIN with the recipes tables:

  SELECT c.recipe_name, 
         COUNT(a.ingredient_id) AS num_ingredients, 
         SUM(a.amount*b.ingredient_price) AS total_price
    FROM recipe_ingredients AS a
    JOIN ingredients AS b
      ON a.ingredient_id = b.ingredient_id
    JOIN recipes AS c
      ON a.recipe_id = c.recipe_id
GROUP BY a.recipe_id

This returns a nicer formated table:

recipe_name num_ingredients total_price
Tacos 5 20
Tomato Soup 2 5
Grilled Cheese 2 7

Finally, as a shorthand, SQL allows you to refer to the columns in the SELECT clause by numbering

  SELECT c.recipe_name, 
         COUNT(a.ingredient_id) AS num_ingredients, 
         SUM(a.amount*b.ingredient_price) AS total_price
    FROM recipe_ingredients AS a
    JOIN ingredients AS b
      ON a.ingredient_id = b.ingredient_id
    JOIN recipes AS c
      ON a.recipe_id = c.recipe_id

Some people consider this to be more elegant and less error prone.

Aggregation Functions in SQL

As you saw above, SQL can apply different aggregation functions. This query demonstrates more of them:

SELECT COUNT(ingredient_price) as count,
       AVG(ingredient_price) as avg,
       SUM(ingredient_price) as sum,
       MIN(ingredient_price) as min,
       MAX(ingredient_price) as max,
       STDDEV(ingredient_price) as stddev,
       SUM(ingredient_price) as sum
  FROM ingredients

This returns

count avg sum min max stddev sum
7 2.2857 16 1 5 1.2777531299998797 16

Note here that when you leave out the GROUP BY class, but include an aggregation function, SQL assumes that you want to group all rows together.

You can find the full list of aggregation functions in MySQL here.

The HAVING Operator in SQL

The HAVING clause in SQL is almost exactly like the WHERE clause, but filters the table after the aggregation has been performed.

Suppose we wanted to find only recipes with 2 ingredients in it. We could use the HAVING clause:

  SELECT recipe_id, 
         COUNT(ingredient_id) AS num_ingredients
    FROM recipe_ingredients
GROUP BY recipe_id
  HAVING num_ingredients = 2

This creates the table

recipe_id num_ingredients
2 2
3 2

As you will see below, HAVING is just a convenient shorthand to avoid using a subquery.

Subqueries in SQL

A more challenging query would be to make a list of the number of ingredients, but only for recipes that include tomatoes.

To do this, we first would need to find all the recipes which include tomatoes and then count the number of ingredients for each of those recipes.

We could imagine doing this in two steps. First, we find the recipes that have tomatoes in it:

SELECT a.recipe_id
  FROM recipe_ingredients AS a
  JOIN ingredients AS b
    ON a.ingredient_id = b.ingredient_id
 WHERE b.ingredient_name = 'Tomatoes' 

This creates the table:


Next, we could joining this table with the ingredient count table from the query above to filter out the recipes that aren’t in this table.

This leads us to the idea of subqueries. Because every SQL query returns a table, another SQL query can be used instead of a table inside of another SQL query.

The final query is:

  SELECT b.recipe_name, 
         COUNT(a.ingredient_id) AS num_ingredients
    FROM recipe_ingredients AS a
    JOIN recipes AS b
      ON a.recipe_id = b.recipe_id
    JOIN (
             SELECT c.recipe_id
             FROM recipe_ingredients AS c
             JOIN ingredients AS d
             ON c.ingredient_id = d.ingredient_id
             WHERE d.ingredient_name = 'Tomatoes' 
         ) AS e
      ON b.recipe_id = e.recipe_id
GROUP BY a.recipe_id

As expected, this returns

recipe_name num_ingredients
Tacos 5
Tomato Soup 2

What’s cool about SQL is that it is very flexible and can allow multiple subqueries to be nested together.

The DISTINCT Operator

In SQL, DISTINCT operator can be used to find all of the unique rows.

For example, to find all the recipes that include either beef or cheese, we could use the SQL query:

  FROM recipe_ingredients AS a
  JOIN ingredients AS b
    ON a.ingredient_id = b.ingredient_id
  JOIN recipes AS c
    ON a.recipe_id = c.recipe_id
 WHERE b.ingredient_name = 'Cheese' 
    OR b.ingredient_name = 'Beef'

This creates

Grilled Cheese

Note that here the DISTINCT keyword is required because otherwise two rows would be returned for tacos since they contain both cheese and beef.

We can count the number of distinct recipes by putting the COUNT keyword outside the DISTINCT keyword:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT recipe_name) AS num_recipes
  FROM recipe_ingredients AS a
  JOIN ingredients AS b
    ON a.ingredient_id = b.ingredient_id
  JOIN recipes AS c
    ON a.recipe_id = c.recipe_id
 WHERE b.ingredient_name = 'Cheese' 
    OR b.ingredient_name = 'Beef'

This returns:


The ORDER BY operator in SQL

ORDER BY can be used to sort the output rows based on a particular column. For example, if we wanted to sort the ingredients by how expensive they are in descending order of price, we could run the query:

    FROM ingredients
ORDER BY ingredient_price DESC

This returns

ingredient_id ingredient_name ingredient_price
1 Beef 5
5 Cheese 3
3 Tomatoes 2
4 Taco Shell 2
7 Bread 2
2 Lettuce 1
6 Milk 1

If we wanted to sort columns of the same price alphabetically by name, we could use a similar query but perform a second sort based on the price:

    FROM ingredients
ORDER BY ingredient_price DESC, ingredient_name

This creates the table:

ingredient_id ingredient_name ingredient_price
1 Beef 5
5 Cheese 3
7 Bread 2
4 Taco Shell 2
3 Tomatoes 2
2 Lettuce 1
6 Milk 1

The LIMIT operator in SQL

We can use the LIMIT operator to limit the number of results returned by the query. For example, to get only the most expensive ingredient, we could use the query:

    FROM ingredients
ORDER BY ingredient_price DESC
   LIMIT 1

This returns just one result:

ingredient_id ingredient_name ingredient_price
1 Beef 5

Self AND Inequality Joins

The final concepts we will learn about is self and equality joins. As a concrete example, supposed that we wanted to compute the number of shared ingredients for all pairs of recipes.

To compute this, we can join the ingredient-recipe mapping table with itself and select for rows that have the same ingredient. This will create a row for ever matching ingredient in every pair of recipes:

  SELECT a.recipe_id, b.recipe_id, a.ingredient_id
    FROM recipe_ingredients AS a
    JOIN recipe_ingredients AS b
      ON a.ingredient_id = b.ingredient_id
     AND a.recipe_id != b.recipe_id
ORDER BY a.recipe_id, b.recipe_id

Note that we have to filter for a.recipe_id != b.recipe_id to avoid matching recipe with themselves. Joins with an inequality condition are unsurprisingly called inequality joins.

This returns

recipe_id recipe_id ingredient_id
1 2 3
1 3 5
2 1 3
3 1 5

This table shows the recipe 1 (“Tacos”) and recipe 2 (“Tomato Soup”) share ingredient 3 (“Tomatoes”). Similarly, recipe 1 (“Tacos”) and recipe 3 (“Grilled Cheese”) share ingredient 5 (“Cheese”).

One issue with this query is that it matches every pair of ingredients twice. To avoid this, we can modify the query to return only rows when the first recipe ID is less than the second.

Finally, we can can aggregate over the recipe IDs to compute the count of shared ingredients:

  SELECT a.recipe_id, 
         COUNT(*) as num_shared
    FROM recipe_ingredients AS a
    JOIN recipe_ingredients AS b
      ON a.recipe_id < b.recipe_id
     AND a.ingredient_id = b.ingredient_id 
GROUP BY a.recipe_id, b.recipe_id

As expected, this returns

recipe_id recipe_id num_shared
1 2 1
1 3 1

We can include the recipe names by also joining with the recipes table:

  SELECT c.recipe_name AS recipe_1, 
         d.recipe_name AS recipe_2, 
         COUNT(*) AS num_shared
    FROM recipe_ingredients AS a
    JOIN recipe_ingredients AS b
      ON a.recipe_id < b.recipe_id
     AND a.ingredient_id = b.ingredient_id 
    JOIN recipes AS c
      ON a.recipe_id = c.recipe_id
    JOIN recipes AS d
      ON b.recipe_id = d.recipe_id
GROUP BY a.recipe_id, b.recipe_id
ORDER BY recipe_1, recipe_2

This returns:

recipe_1 recipe_2 num_shared
Tacos Grilled Cheese 1
Tacos Tomato Soup 1

From these examples, I hope you see that the simple SQL operators can be combined to perform very powerful queries.

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